Monster Sunny Islam is yet another Muslim who should
January 25, 2012
Stictly Warped.
With his warped Muslim mind, Sunny Islam is hardly
a "sunny guy" to meet after raping women to teach
them a lesson not to be out at night inside the UK.
Sunny Islam, 23, is yet another example of how so
many Muslims are so barbaric that it boggles the
English and Christian mind. If Islam is a creed that
produces such warped Muslims, then Good help
us all from having to cope with them.
Monster Sunny Islam is yet another Muslim who should
Monster Sunny Islam is yet another Muslim who should
never have been admitted to the country under New
Labour's hideous policy of mass immigration that was
instigated by the ilk of decietful and despised champagne
socilaist Tony Blair, who claims Labour's mass immigration
of millions is good for "New Britian." Blair needs to live
next door to the Sunny Islams of this world. Perhaps
then he'd realise what damage he has already done to
Britain under his 10 year vile abuse while in office.
But knowing lying Blair, he's so pig-headed and
self-centred he'd still claim such Muslim beasts
as Sunny Islam are somehow good for Britian.
The fear in the UK is always having other Sunny Islams
prowling around and raping and murdering whoever
they like for some warped reason(s) inside their own
warped Muslim minds that defies sanity and reason.
No doubt others like him will be caught, but not until
that have inflicted their own brand of criminality
and brutal crimes on the people of Britain.
And, when they are caught we're still stuck with
such Islamic scumbags with no thankz to odious
Tony Blair and his vile socialist gangsters for
letting them all in to settle forever
inside Broken Down Britain.
It seems that the sticter some foreign Muslims become
in their Shia or Sunni or Jihardist beliefs, the more they
become warped socially and psychologically as
ticking timebombs with their every step as then
open criminal sociopaths or violent psychopaths
inside the UK. No wonder the UK prison system
is now full of so many criminal Muslims that de-
mand Halal food and Islamic preferenial treatment
that the stupid English allow them to have when
they should instead be told to go to hell ...
'Strict Muslim' raped 4 women at knifepoint to 'punish
them for being on the streets at night'. Sunny Islam, 23,
kidnapped and raped girl, 15. Subjected victims to his
'trademark double rape'. Attacks took place over
2 months in east London. Jailed indefinitely due
to danger he poses to women. By Nick Enoch.
By Blog Editor By John Lenhart.
November 11, 2011
Trust No Muslim.
My apologieis! I will be back shortly to present the full
story of "Never Trust Islamic Charities, Never."
Edited By John Lenhart.
Muslims By Their Thousands Gather At Birmingham, UK.
Islamic Jihardists At Their Mayhem.
A Muslim US Three Dollar Bill, Yep? Such Is As Fake As Them!
September 22, 2011
Wicked Islam.

Muslim mother stabbed daughter 40 times and cut
out her liver in ritual killing to 'exorcise evil spirits'
Spelling Mistake See Muslim Revenge.
She's only 13 years of age and a Christain girl
who was beaten and expelled from her school by
local Muslims at Parkistan's Abbottabad - and
at where Osama Bin Laden was captured and
killed earlier this year by US Special Forces - after
she mistakenly spelled the word "curse" instead
of "hymn" in her school exam on a poem of Islam's
she mistakenly spelled the word "curse" instead
of "hymn" in her school exam on a poem of Islam's
prophet Muhammad. In Urdu, the words are almost
the same save for the use of an extra dot on the latter
word. Faryal Bhatti and her mother were also viciously
evicted from their home by the local Muslim zealots.
word. Faryal Bhatti and her mother were also viciously
evicted from their home by the local Muslim zealots.
Such Muslims are truly the ugly faces of wicked
Islam. Why in heaven's name couldn't the girl have
been corrected by simply adding the extra dot
instead of being so cruel and so fanatical for such
a simple mistake by a little girl? Shame on
Abbottabad's vicious Muslims ...
a simple mistake by a little girl? Shame on
Abbottabad's vicious Muslims ...
While inside the UK on the same day that the
anti-Christian punishment against Faryal Bhatti
took place by the dirty hands of the wicked
Muslims of Parkistan, six UK terror suspects
were held in custody at Birmingham with alleged
offences of planning, among other criminal matters,
a suicide bombing campaign inside Britain. We
give these Muslims a home only for some of them
then wanting and planning to kills us! What gits!
The six criminal defendants are: Irfan Nasser,
30, Irfan Klalid, 26, Ashik Ali, 26, Rahin
Ahmed, 25, and Mohammed Rizwan, 32.
They will next appear in court October 24.
The worldwide curse of the Muslims is now
everywhere and especially inside the UK that
have been given the right to almost destroy
Christianity from within England. And, of
course, they're against the non-Muslim
English that the then Blairite Government
just let in all the Muslims to come and stay for-
ever and a day and do what the hell they like
under the socialist tyranny called "political
correctness." Such goes hand-in-hand with the
open tryanny that is ugly Islam. Remember 13
year old Faryal Bhatti and what happened to
her and her mother at the filthy hands of the
Abbottabad Muslims just because she made
a spelling mistake in a school poem with her
one dot error that they then seized upon
to inflict their Islamic punishment on the
Christian girl and her mother. Such is
nothing more than wicked Islam.
Blog Editor: John Lenhart.
anti-Christian punishment against Faryal Bhatti
took place by the dirty hands of the wicked
Muslims of Parkistan, six UK terror suspects
were held in custody at Birmingham with alleged
offences of planning, among other criminal matters,
a suicide bombing campaign inside Britain. We
give these Muslims a home only for some of them
then wanting and planning to kills us! What gits!
The six criminal defendants are: Irfan Nasser,
30, Irfan Klalid, 26, Ashik Ali, 26, Rahin
Ahmed, 25, and Mohammed Rizwan, 32.
They will next appear in court October 24.
The worldwide curse of the Muslims is now
everywhere and especially inside the UK that
have been given the right to almost destroy
Christianity from within England. And, of
course, they're against the non-Muslim
English that the then Blairite Government
just let in all the Muslims to come and stay for-
ever and a day and do what the hell they like
under the socialist tyranny called "political
correctness." Such goes hand-in-hand with the
open tryanny that is ugly Islam. Remember 13
year old Faryal Bhatti and what happened to
her and her mother at the filthy hands of the
Abbottabad Muslims just because she made
a spelling mistake in a school poem with her
one dot error that they then seized upon
to inflict their Islamic punishment on the
Christian girl and her mother. Such is
nothing more than wicked Islam.
Blog Editor: John Lenhart.
August 18, 2011
25,000 Muslims.
Perhaps the largest gathering of Muslims ever
seen in the UK occurred the other day at
Birmingham - known locally as "Brum" - in
the heart of England to pay their respects
to three fellow Muslims that were killed
trying to defend their shops from looters
and rioters that appeared at urban centers
for three whole days of mayhem and violence.
Such criminal acting out by black scum and
white foreign trash stemmed from the
London Tottenham riots that began as a
result of the British police killing of one
black gangster called Mark Duggan, 29,
a day or so earlier.
The UK riots and lootings proved one
thing - that immigrants and foreigners now
choke England with their untolded
numbers now running into the millions with
New Labour's onslaught of mass immigration
to the UK under the deliberate and dangerous
socialist policies of odious Tony Blair.
While that has it may be so, to see some 25,000
mostly foreign-born Muslims gathered at Brum
was and is pretty scary. It also demonstrates
how far and wide in the UK that the Muslim
population has exploded within a decade or
so of their hideous immigration presence
inside the UK under then vile New Labour.
What the 25,000 Muslims also proved
is their huge numbers now in the millions
inside Sick Britain will skyrocket even
further into millions more of them within
the next couple of decades or so that will
ensure even the deeper and more dangerous
spead of ugly Islam and its Islamic agenda
to complete the Islamification of the UK.
Highly organized are the UK Muslims to
the point that they could within a few days
bring together some 25,000 of them. The
danger is that next time there could be 50,000
or even 100,000 of them taking over the
community at wherever they hold such
numbers to assert their Islamic will and
control over those of us who are not
Islamic or Muslim in any way, shape or
form. Such again is scary, it truly is!
So after seeing some 25,000 of them, be
ever watchful of what the Muslims are doing
inside the UK and even more so since most
of them are foreign-born and hold no loyalty
toward Britain only to their Allah!!
London Street Markets Are No Longer English Per Se,
But Largely Black, Foreign & Muslim Both Buyers & Sellers.
One More Thing!
Looking at the court list of rioters and looters so far arrested,
many of the accused are themselves holding Muslim and
Arabic names as criminal defendents in the British police files
of the 3,000 black and white scum thus far so identified and
charged with rioting and/or looting in their own communities.
With the Sharia Courts now illegally operating inside the UK,
it's anybody's guess what they will do to their own rioters
and looters of their own Islamic stock and progeny.
Muslim World Watch Editor: John Lenhart.
Muslims in Britain mourn riot heroes.
Canterbury, England (ENInews)--More than 20,000
mourners, most of them British-born Muslims, gathered in
Birmingham, England on 18 August for the funeral of three
young men mown down by a car while defending their
community and homes from rioters and looters last week.
"These three people (Haroon Jahan, 21, and brothers
Shazad Ali, 30, and Abdul Musavir, 31) are martyrs and
the best we can do for them is to pray for them and for
ourselves and to pray for our community," said Muslim
scholar Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi,
speaking at the service. [ENInews]
What ENI reports and what I have stated are wide
apart. Be it 20,000 or 25,000 Muslims says it all.
As for most of them being reported as British-born
Muslims, if that is true than that only compounds the
growing danger of Islam inside the UK. Though I still
believe with upmost sure certainty that the majority of
Muslims at Brum are foreign-born or of foreign-born
parents. And remember there is no such thing as a
"British" Muslim. We have only Muslims born in
Britain be they so-called British or not
after their ghastly UK births. JL.
Muslims in Britain mourn riot heroes.
Canterbury, England (ENInews)--More than 20,000
mourners, most of them British-born Muslims, gathered in
Birmingham, England on 18 August for the funeral of three
young men mown down by a car while defending their
community and homes from rioters and looters last week.
"These three people (Haroon Jahan, 21, and brothers
Shazad Ali, 30, and Abdul Musavir, 31) are martyrs and
the best we can do for them is to pray for them and for
ourselves and to pray for our community," said Muslim
scholar Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi,
speaking at the service. [ENInews]
What ENI reports and what I have stated are wide
apart. Be it 20,000 or 25,000 Muslims says it all.
As for most of them being reported as British-born
Muslims, if that is true than that only compounds the
growing danger of Islam inside the UK. Though I still
believe with upmost sure certainty that the majority of
Muslims at Brum are foreign-born or of foreign-born
parents. And remember there is no such thing as a
"British" Muslim. We have only Muslims born in
Britain be they so-called British or not
after their ghastly UK births. JL.
July 1, 2011
Muslims Now Every Where Inside UK.
No matter where you turn in the UK, and especially in
London, more and more foreign Muslims are sprouting
up every where like wild weeds choking some
English summer garden.
Foreign Muslims In Britain
Pictured Via Webgrab.
English summer garden.
Foreign Muslims In Britain
Pictured Via Webgrab.
In the course of just one week, US photographer Alex
Albion recorded the images posted here of Muslims
seen just by chance, but unavoidable, at public spots in
and around London of a 35 miles or so radius from his
UK base. He didn't go out of his way to find Muslims to
photograph. They just popped up from nowhere at each
and every day as he was doing his regular daily business.
Three Foreign Black Muslims at London's Penry Street,
Confront & Gang-Up On Local White Brit Photographer
on the Street Like They Now Own The Country ...
on the Street Like They Now Own The Country ...
The number of foreign Muslims inside the UK is growing
so fast that millions are now embedded in Britain and all
over Europe due to governments failing to take drastic
steps to curb the influx of even more and more Muslims
arriving freely in Europe by the train or plane loads, es-
pecially since the rise of The Arab Spring at the start of
2011 that now sees untold numbers of Muslims flee-
ing their countries for all destination to Europe. They
most particularly want to go to England since it is
known to harbour Muslims like some kind of Islamic
brotherhood that endangers, of course, the very future
of Britian as a Christian Nation.
London's East Street Market Is Swamped With Muslima.
During the terrible 13 years of the socialistic govern-
ment under Britain's pro-Islam New Labour, it did de-
liberately encouraged the mass immigration and onslaught
ment under Britain's pro-Islam New Labour, it did de-
liberately encouraged the mass immigration and onslaught
of foreign menacing Muslims with utter impunity for the
concerns and fears of local Brits. As a result, Mosques
are now growing at a faster pace than any other
religious edifices or Houses of Worship inside
today's "Bloodly Broken Britain."
religious edifices or Houses of Worship inside
today's "Bloodly Broken Britain."
Yet More & More Foreign Muslims Like These
Pair Shown Here Are Seen Each Day Inside The UK.
The English People are now living in a modern nightmare
that is tanatmount to a dreadful "Twilight Zone" that has
been inflicted upon them by New Labour and after being
openly robbed of their own country by such socialist
political shysters like odious Tony Blair and moron
Gordon Brown. Plus, the European Union (EU) under
its socialistic agenda has also encouraged the mass
influx of foreign Muslims to the degree that millions of
them are now infesting and polluting almost every
political shysters like odious Tony Blair and moron
Gordon Brown. Plus, the European Union (EU) under
its socialistic agenda has also encouraged the mass
influx of foreign Muslims to the degree that millions of
them are now infesting and polluting almost every
country in Europe along almost every part of the UK.
and EU has only just begun. The initial steps are now
in place for the permanent creation of "Eurabia" as a
European-wide Shia society that will violent con-
front the very foundation of centuries old Christianity
as the European People are left to be conquered
by the invasion of foul and deadly Islam.
Blog Editor John Lenhart
Images By Alex Albion
No Forever To EU.
Many Foreign Muslims Have
Taken Over UK Taxi Ranks, Too.
Images Can Be Enlarged By Clicking on Image
May 26, 2011
Muslim Brutes.
Classic Muslim brutes they are and they belong
to a growing class of Muslim scumbagz, or Islamic
thugz, now seen all over the UK as they become
more dangerous by the day with their radical
religious pathology that is sickening beyond
belief for those who aren't Muslim. What the
four latest UK Muslim brutes did against
the English religious education teacher Gary
Smith is enough to boggle the minds of
anybody no matter their sane religious
or open political belief.
Muslim brutes Akmol Hussain, 26; Azad Hussein,
26; Sheikh Rashid, 27, and Simon Alam, 19, are
simply scumbagz and they're now locked up.
But the problem is that one day they will be
released to possibly commit even more Muslim
mayhem on British Christians whenever they,
the brute Muslims, feel offended about some-
thing untoward Allah. They will not go away
as the Islamification of Britain is now at full
steam ahead and the British People may have
to take some drastic steps to stop such brute
Muslims from taking over the country.
Sadly, the majority of English are so docile
and degraded by their own elected govern-
ment and vile political correctiness it seems the
rise of Islam cannot be stopped in the forseeable
future. By the time it could be, it will be too late!!!
Welcome then to every Muslim scumbag to
freely terrorize the Christian People and
our own once Christian country.
God damn New Labour under odious Tony
Blair and the British Labour moron Gordon
Brown for deliberately flooding the UK with
foreign Muslims from everywhere under their
hideous multicultural and multiracial leftwing
agenda. They have now left a curse upon us,
they really have. God damn them forever!!
And, those Muslim brutes now in jail.
Notes By John Lenhart.
Muslim Attackers Jailed.
How Did These Muslim Scumbagz Become What They Are?
Muslim Attackers Jailed.
How Did These Muslim Scumbagz Become What They Are?
Here's What The Muslim Scumbagz Stated.
:: To Enlarge - Click on Any Image ::
Muslim Brute Akmol Hussain, 26.
Muslim Brute Azad Hussein, 26.
Muslim brute Sheikh Rashid, 27.
Muslim Brute Simon Alam, 19.
:: Watching The Enablers of Islamification ::
Muslima Inside UK.
February 3, 2011
Scary Muslim Growth Around The World.
The Future of the Global Muslim Population.
Projections for 2010-2030.
By 2030, A Staggering 2.2 Billion Muslims.
Projections for 2010-2030.
By 2030, A Staggering 2.2 Billion Muslims.
Such is truly scary to read the Pew Forum's
projection of global Muslim growth over the
next two decades around the world.
Inside "Broken Britain," the scary story says
it will reach a projection of 5.5 million Muslims
that first started with New Labour under hideous
Tony Blair and his socialist gangsters admitting
Muslims by the coach loads during their 13 year
British Labour tenure that now sees mosques
galore and Islamic Cultural Centres all over
the UK as never before seen. By the
the UK as never before seen. By the
end of the 21st century - long after vile Blair
is buried and gone - the British Isles will have
over 17 million Muslims to contend with. Such
again is truly scary knowing, like we do, the
rise of Islam is a worldwide scourge and curse.
It is even more so for the future of England that
such a Muslim scourge and curse has now been
deliberately imposed on the Britsh people by
godless and anti-Christian New Labour under
the false prophet called Tony Blair and his
left loonies and anti-British cohorts.Worse
still is that Islam with supersede Christianity by
2016 in terms of Muslim adherents over the
Christian faithful. That's just 5 years away be-
fore such Muslim numbers numb the world.
So, God help Christianity!!
It is even more so for the future of England that
such a Muslim scourge and curse has now been
deliberately imposed on the Britsh people by
godless and anti-Christian New Labour under
the false prophet called Tony Blair and his
left loonies and anti-British cohorts.Worse
still is that Islam with supersede Christianity by
2016 in terms of Muslim adherents over the
Christian faithful. That's just 5 years away be-
fore such Muslim numbers numb the world.
So, God help Christianity!!
Notes By Blog Editor - John Lenhart.
Outrage at boy's arrest for blasphemy in exam.
By Omar Waraich in Islamabad.
Outrage at boy's arrest for blasphemy in exam.
By Omar Waraich in Islamabad.
December 22, 2010
Get A Bad Taste of Muslims.
The latest WikiLeaks revelation: 1 in three British Muslim
students back killing for Islam and 40% want Sharia law.
(Muslima) Mother in mental unit after girl, four, is found mutilated.
By Felix Allen.
A mother suspected of murdering her four-year-old daughter and
cutting out her heart was being held in a secure mental health unit
today. Nusayba Bharuchi's mutilated body was found at the
family's flat in London's Clapton after police were
called to a disturbance.
today. Nusayba Bharuchi's mutilated body was found at the
family's flat in London's Clapton after police were
called to a disturbance.
The child had reportedly been stabbed to death and her heart
and other organs removed and placed in different rooms.
Her mother, 35-year-old Shayma Bharuchi, who is thought to be
Somalian, was allegedly found by the corpse, rocking back and
forth, chanting and listening to Koranic verses on an mp3 player.
She was arrested but doctors declared her unfit for police interview.
An inquest was due to be opened and adjourned
today at Poplar coroner's court.
'Christmas is evil': Muslim group launches poster campaign against festive period.
"I'm 63 and I'm Tired" By Robert A. Hall.
I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their Sisters, Wives and Daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.
Robert A. Hall is a U.S. Marine Vietnam veteran who served five
terms in the Massachusetts State Senate.
"There is no such thing as a "British" Muslim!
All we have are unwanted Muslims either born
in Britain or foreign Muslims living on welfare
benefits in the UK."
Alex Albion.
"There is no such thing as a "British" Muslim!
All we have are unwanted Muslims either born
in Britain or foreign Muslims living on welfare
benefits in the UK."
Alex Albion.
November 15, 2010
Muslims Slaughter 15 Million Animals For Eid.
No! It wasn't an outbreak of foot and mouth disease
that required the record and brutal slaughter of 15
million, yes 15 MILLION, animals in Bangladesh.
Rather it was a killing orgy in the name of marking
Islam's second most important event called
Eid al-Adha after Ramadan. It bongles the mind
to think any country would sanction such an out-
rageous slaughter for those who practice such a
cruel belief as Islam. Muslims by nature seem to
be a particularly cruel people anyway. The wanton
killing of millions of defenseless animals speaks to
that and should be openly condemn no matter if
it's for ruthless Islam or not.
John Lenhart, Blog Editor.
October 20, 2010
Muslim-On-Muslim Crime. Edited By John Lenhart.
Graphics By Alex Albion.
The extremes of moderate Islam EVEN for
supposedly reasonable Muslims, accommodation
is a one-way street. By Janet Albrechtsen.
Islamic students at top (UK) university 'are
Islamic students at top (UK) university 'are
preaching hard-line extremism,' terror experts warn.
Not Welcome. So Go Home! Why Done U?
Hardliners call for deaths
of (UK) Surrey Muslims.
By Jerome Taylor.
By Jerome Taylor.
Merkel: German multiculturalism 'utterly failed'. Remark
fuels conservative camp's debate over immigration and Islam.
By Sabine Siebold.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost
By Sabine Siebold.
"Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost
all terrorists are Muslims." Geert Wilders.

Dagestan: Russia's Islamic enemy within. Shaun Walker reports from Dagestan on a generation willing to give up their lives for the fight against Moscow.
Londonistan. By Uncle Monty.
Should we fear Islam? By Keith Ellison.
US radio fires analyst after remark about Muslims.
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