May 26, 2011

Muslim Brutes.

Classic Muslim brutes they are and they belong
to a growing class of Muslim scumbagz, or Islamic
thugz, now seen all over the UK as they become
 more dangerous by the day with their radical
religious pathology that is sickening beyond
belief for those who aren't Muslim. What the
four latest UK Muslim brutes did against
the English religious education teacher Gary
Smith is enough to boggle the minds of
anybody no matter their sane religious
or open political belief.
Muslim brutes Akmol Hussain, 26; Azad Hussein,
26; Sheikh Rashid, 27, and Simon Alam, 19, are
simply scumbagz and they're now locked up.
But the problem is that one day they will be
released to possibly commit even more Muslim
mayhem on British Christians whenever they,
the brute Muslims, feel offended about some-
thing untoward Allah. They will not go away
as the Islamification of Britain is now at full
steam ahead and the British People may have
to take some drastic steps to stop such brute
 Muslims from taking over the country.
Sadly, the majority of English are so docile
and degraded by their own elected govern-
ment and vile political correctiness it seems the
 rise of Islam cannot be stopped in the forseeable
future. By the time it could be, it will be too late!!!
 Welcome then to every Muslim scumbag to
 freely terrorize the Christian People and
our own once Christian country.
 God damn New Labour under odious Tony
Blair and the British Labour moron Gordon
Brown for deliberately flooding the UK with
foreign Muslims from everywhere under their
hideous multicultural and multiracial leftwing
agenda. They have now left a curse upon us,
they really have. God damn them forever!!
And, those Muslim brutes now in jail.
Notes By John Lenhart.
Muslim Attackers Jailed.
How Did These Muslim Scumbagz Become What They Are?
Here's What The Muslim Scumbagz Stated.
:: To Enlarge - Click on Any Image ::
Muslim Brute Akmol Hussain, 26.
Muslim Brute Azad Hussein, 26.
Muslim brute Sheikh Rashid, 27.
Muslim Brute Simon Alam, 19.
 :: Watching The Enablers of Islamification ::
Muslima Inside UK.

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