February 3, 2011

Scary Muslim Growth Around The World.

The Future of the Global Muslim Population.
Projections for 2010-2030.
By 2030, A Staggering 2.2 Billion Muslims.
Such is truly scary to read the Pew Forum's
projection of global Muslim growth over the
next two decades around the world.
Inside "Broken Britain," the scary story says
it will reach a projection of 5.5 million Muslims
that first started with New Labour under hideous
Tony Blair and his socialist gangsters admitting
Muslims by the coach loads during their 13 year
British Labour tenure that now sees mosques
galore and Islamic Cultural Centres all over
the UK as never before seen. By the
 end of the 21st century - long after vile Blair
 is buried and gone - the British Isles will have
over 17 million Muslims to contend with. Such
again is truly scary knowing, like we do, the
rise of Islam is a worldwide scourge and curse.
It is even more so for the future of England that
such a Muslim scourge and curse has now been
 deliberately imposed on the Britsh people by
 godless and anti-Christian New Labour under
the false prophet called Tony Blair and his
left loonies and anti-British cohorts.Worse
still is that Islam with supersede Christianity by
2016 in terms of Muslim adherents over the
 Christian faithful. That's just 5 years away be-
fore such Muslim numbers numb the world.
So, God help Christianity!!
Notes By Blog Editor -  John Lenhart.
Outrage at boy's arrest for blasphemy in exam.
By Omar Waraich in Islamabad.

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