July 1, 2011

Muslims Now Every Where Inside UK.

No matter where you turn in the UK, and especially in
London, more and more foreign Muslims are sprouting
up every where like wild weeds choking some
English summer garden.

Foreign Muslims In Britain
Pictured Via Webgrab.
In the course of just one week, US photographer Alex
 Albion recorded the images posted here of Muslims
seen just by chance, but unavoidable, at public spots in
and around London of a 35 miles or so radius from his
UK base. He didn't go out of his way to find Muslims to
photograph. They just popped up from nowhere at each
and every day as he was doing his regular daily business.
Three Foreign Black Muslims at London's Penry Street,  
Confront & Gang-Up On Local White Brit Photographer
 on the Street Like They Now Own The Country ...
The number of foreign Muslims inside the UK is growing
so fast that millions are now embedded in Britain and all
over Europe due to governments failing to take drastic
 steps to curb the influx of even more and more Muslims
arriving freely in Europe by the train or plane loads, es-
pecially since the rise of The Arab Spring at the start of
2011 that now sees untold numbers of Muslims flee-
ing their countries for all destination to Europe. They
most particularly want to go to England since it is
known to harbour Muslims like some kind of Islamic
brotherhood that endangers, of course, the very future
of Britian as a Christian Nation.
London's East Street Market Is Swamped With Muslima.
During the terrible 13 years of the socialistic govern-
ment under Britain's pro-Islam New Labour, it did de-
liberately encouraged the mass immigration and onslaught
of foreign menacing Muslims with utter impunity for the
concerns and fears of local Brits. As a result, Mosques
 are now growing at a faster pace than any other
religious edifices or Houses of Worship inside
 today's "Bloodly Broken Britain."
Yet More & More Foreign Muslims Like These
 Pair Shown Here Are Seen Each Day Inside The UK.
The English People are now living in a modern nightmare
that is tanatmount to a dreadful "Twilight Zone" that has
been inflicted upon them by New Labour and after being
openly robbed of their own country by such socialist
political shysters like odious Tony Blair and moron
Gordon Brown. Plus, the European Union (EU) under
its socialistic agenda has also encouraged the mass
influx of foreign Muslims to the degree that millions of
them are now infesting and polluting almost every
 country in Europe along almost every part of the UK.
What's He Upto?
The massive onslaught of menacing Muslims to UK
and EU has only just begun. The initial steps are now 
in place for the permanent creation of "Eurabia" as a
European-wide Shia society that will violent con-
front the very foundation of centuries old Christianity
as the European People are left to be conquered 
 by the invasion of foul and deadly Islam.
Blog Editor John Lenhart
Images By Alex Albion
No Forever To EU.
Many Foreign Muslims Have
Taken Over UK Taxi Ranks, Too.
Images Can Be Enlarged By Clicking on Image

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