August 18, 2011

25,000 Muslims.

Perhaps the largest gathering of Muslims ever
seen in the UK occurred the other day at
Birmingham - known locally as "Brum" - in
the heart of England to pay their respects 
to three fellow Muslims that were killed
trying to defend their shops from looters
and rioters that appeared at urban centers
for three whole days of mayhem and violence.
Such criminal acting out by black scum and
white foreign trash stemmed from the
London Tottenham riots that began as a
result of the British police killing of one
black gangster called Mark Duggan, 29,
a day or so earlier.
The UK riots and lootings proved one
thing - that immigrants and foreigners now
choke England with their untolded
numbers now running into the millions with
New Labour's onslaught of mass immigration
to the UK under the deliberate and dangerous
socialist policies of odious Tony Blair.
While that has it may be so, to see some 25,000
mostly foreign-born Muslims gathered at Brum
was and is pretty scary. It also demonstrates
 how far and wide in the UK that the Muslim
population has exploded within a decade or
so of their hideous immigration presence
 inside the UK under then vile New Labour.
What the 25,000 Muslims also proved
is their huge numbers now in the millions
inside Sick Britain will skyrocket even
further into millions more of them within
the next couple of decades or so that will
ensure even the deeper and more dangerous
spead of ugly Islam and its Islamic agenda
 to complete the Islamification of the UK.
Highly organized are the UK Muslims to
the point that they could within a few days
bring together some 25,000 of them. The
danger is that next time there could be 50,000
or even 100,000 of them taking over the
community at wherever they hold such
numbers to assert their Islamic will and
control over those of us who are not
Islamic or Muslim in any way, shape or
form. Such again is scary, it truly is!
So after seeing some 25,000 of them, be
ever watchful of what the Muslims are doing
inside the UK and even more so since most
of them are foreign-born and hold no loyalty
toward Britain only to their Allah!!
London Street Markets Are No Longer English Per Se,
But Largely Black, Foreign & Muslim Both Buyers & Sellers.
One More Thing!
Looking at the court list of rioters and looters so far arrested,
many of the accused are themselves holding Muslim and
Arabic names as criminal defendents in the British police files
 of the 3,000 black and white scum thus far so identified and
charged with rioting and/or looting in their own communities.
With the Sharia Courts now illegally operating inside the UK,
it's anybody's guess what they will do to their own rioters
 and looters of their own Islamic stock and progeny.
Muslim World Watch Editor: John Lenhart.
Muslims in Britain mourn riot heroes.

Canterbury, England (ENInews)--More than 20,000
mourners, most of them British-born Muslims, gathered in
Birmingham, England on 18 August for the funeral of three
young men mown down by a car while defending their 
community and homes from rioters and looters last week.
"These three people (Haroon Jahan, 21, and brothers
Shazad Ali, 30, and Abdul Musavir, 31) are martyrs and
 the best we can do for them is to pray for them and for
ourselves and to pray for our community," said Muslim
scholar Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi,
speaking at the service. [ENInews]
What ENI reports and what I have stated are wide
 apart. Be it 20,000 or 25,000 Muslims says it all.
 As for most of them being reported as British-born
 Muslims, if that is true than that only compounds the
growing danger of Islam  inside the UK. Though I still
believe with upmost sure certainty that the majority of
Muslims at Brum are foreign-born or of foreign-born
parents. And remember there is no such thing as a
"British" Muslim. We have only Muslims born in
Britain be they so-called British or not
after their ghastly UK births. JL.

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