September 22, 2011

Wicked Islam.

Muslim mother stabbed daughter 40 times and cut
out her liver in ritual killing to 'exorcise evil spirits'
Spelling Mistake See Muslim Revenge.
She's only 13 years of age and a Christain girl
who was beaten and expelled from her school by
 local Muslims at Parkistan's Abbottabad - and
at where Osama Bin Laden was captured and
 killed earlier this year by US Special Forces - after
she mistakenly spelled the word "curse" instead
of "hymn" in her school exam on a poem of Islam's
prophet Muhammad. In Urdu, the words are almost
the same save for the use of an extra dot on the latter
word. Faryal Bhatti and her mother were also viciously
evicted from their home by the local Muslim zealots.
Such Muslims are truly the ugly faces of wicked
 Islam. Why in heaven's name couldn't the girl have
 been corrected by simply adding the extra dot
 instead of being so cruel and so fanatical for such
a simple mistake by a little girl?  Shame on
Abbottabad's vicious Muslims ...
Yet 6 More Alleged Muslim Terrorists Inside UK.
While inside the UK on the same day that the
 anti-Christian punishment against Faryal Bhatti
 took place by the dirty hands of the wicked
Muslims of Parkistan, six UK terror suspects
were held in custody at  Birmingham with alleged
offences of planning, among other criminal matters,
 a suicide bombing campaign inside Britain. We
 give these Muslims a home only for some of them
then wanting and planning to kills us! What gits!
The six criminal defendants are: Irfan Nasser,
30, Irfan Klalid, 26, Ashik Ali, 26, Rahin
Ahmed, 25, and Mohammed Rizwan, 32.
They will next appear in court October 24.
The worldwide curse of the Muslims is now
everywhere and especially inside the UK that
 have been given the right to almost destroy
 Christianity from within England.  And, of
 course, they're against the non-Muslim
 English that the then Blairite Government
just let in all the Muslims to come and stay for-
ever and a day and do what the hell they like
under the socialist tyranny called "political
correctness." Such goes hand-in-hand with the
open tryanny that is ugly Islam. Remember 13
year old Faryal Bhatti and what happened to
her and her mother at the filthy hands of the
Abbottabad Muslims just because she made
a spelling mistake in a school poem with her
 one dot error that they then seized upon
to inflict their Islamic punishment on the
Christian girl and her mother. Such is
nothing more than wicked Islam.
Blog Editor: John Lenhart.

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