November 15, 2010

Muslims Slaughter 15 Million Animals For Eid.

Bangladesh to slaughter (15 MILLION)
record animals for Islam's Eid.
No! It wasn't an outbreak of foot and mouth disease
that required the record and brutal slaughter of 15
million, yes 15 MILLION, animals in Bangladesh.
Rather it was a killing orgy in the name of marking
Islam's second most important event called
Eid al-Adha after Ramadan. It bongles the mind
to think any country would sanction such an out-
rageous slaughter for those who practice such a
cruel belief as Islam. Muslims by nature seem to
be a particularly cruel people anyway. The wanton
killing of millions of defenseless animals speaks to
that and should be openly condemn no matter if
it's for ruthless Islam or not.
John Lenhart, Blog Editor.

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