Edited By John Lenhart.
"Casper, Wyoming biblical Christians were amazed when
President Barrack Hussein Obama said in answering a
question from a journalist, that he was Muslim. The video
is still available and can be seen by clicking on the video
in the column to the left of this article. This is why nearly
1 in 5 Americans believe that President Obama is a
Muslim: he said he is a Muslim."
"President Barrack Hussein Obama once attended a Muslim
"President Barrack Hussein Obama once attended a Muslim
religious school, called a madrassa, while living in Indonesia,
an Islamic nation. He has repeatedly stated that he loved
studying the Qur’an and that one of the ‘most beautiful’
sounds in existence is the call to prayer from
the minaret of an Islamic mosque."
"The President can recite the Muslim call to prayer from
"The President can recite the Muslim call to prayer from
memory without any effort. Is it any wonder that nearly
1 in 5 Americans truly believe that President Barrack
Hussein Obama is really a Muslim? When Obama bowed
low to the Saudi king, who is the symbolic leader and
‘defender’ of the Muslim Faith as interim ‘Khalif’ during
a visit to the Saudi Kingdom, it made people angry and
they started to question his dual claim to being a Christian."
"Islam does indeed mention Jesus in the Qur’an, however, the
"Islam does indeed mention Jesus in the Qur’an, however, the
Muslim Jesus is not the biblical Jesus and according to biblical
doctrine, the Muslim Jesus is a false Jesus who cannot save
a person from sin. Islam teaches that Jesus did not die for
anyone’s sins. Muslims reject Jesus as being God in the Flesh
and the Son of God. Muslims reject that Jesus was conceived
by Mary being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit.
Muslims reject that Jesus died on the cross and
Muslims reject that Jesus died on the cross and
they reject He was ever resurrected."
"Do biblical Christians in Casper, Wyoming, believe the man
"Do biblical Christians in Casper, Wyoming, believe the man
who bowed low before the interim Khalif of Islam, as any
Muslim must do meeting the Saudi king, or do they believe
the man who attended the black nationalist liberation
theology church of anti-American preacher reverend
Jeremiah Wright for twenty years? Obama is
responsible for sowing seeds of confusion
about his religion, not others."
Obama said he is a Muslim, now he says he's a Christian. Which is it please?
By James Russell Bailey. http://www.examiner.com/
Next, Ban Muslima From Driving In Europe & US.
By James Russell Bailey. http://www.examiner.com/
Next, Ban Muslima From Driving In Europe & US.
Al Qaeda plotters at large in Britain after attacks
across Europe are foiled. By Martin Bentham.
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