By Simon Darby, Editor, Hope & Glory.
Edited By John Lenhart.
Graphics By Alex Albion.
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Eurabia is the name for the plan to ‘merge’ Europe
Eurabia is the name for the plan to ‘merge’ Europe
with Turkey and Muslim North Africa. It is being
pushed forward be an unholy alliance of Europhiles, big
pushed forward be an unholy alliance of Europhiles, big
business, far-left activists and (dangerous) Islamists.
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The Europhiles see mass immigration as a way to
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The Europhiles see mass immigration as a way to
break the unity and identity of people in that nation
states they are hell-bent on destroying. Big business
is greedy for extra profits to be made from cheap
labour and fast-growing population provided by the
Muslims. The far-left believe they can use Islam as
a battering ram to break the Western, Christian
values that Marxism has always hated.
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The Muslims agenda is of course, obvious, although
the reference to Saudi Arabia in the word ‘Eurabia’
gives us extra insight as to what they are really
working to achieve.
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Why do the proponents of this evil plan want to
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The Muslims agenda is of course, obvious, although
the reference to Saudi Arabia in the word ‘Eurabia’
gives us extra insight as to what they are really
working to achieve.
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Why do the proponents of this evil plan want to
make Europe like Saudi Arabia in particular?
Why not make it like some other Muslim
country? Why do they specify Saudi Arabia?
The reason for this is that life in such a (Sunni)
country is governed by the exceedingly strict
teachings of a sect of Islam known as
‘Wahhabism’. Simply described, Wahhabism
‘Wahhabism’. Simply described, Wahhabism
is recognised to be the richest, most pwerful
and the most hardline version of Islam
in the world.
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You see, they don’t just want to dominate Europe
You see, they don’t just want to dominate Europe
or simply make it ‘Muslim with a small m’ or
'Muslim but secular' like Turkey claims to be.
Oh no, they mean business. They want ‘the whole
deal’. They want a Europe that is governed by
the most extreme version of Islam imaginable.
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Their ‘Holy War’ against us has, to a large extent,
been conducted underhand, silently and gradually.
It is, to use the terminology of the political (far-)
left, an Islamic ‘long march to power through the
institutions’, And, on top of that, their greatest
weapon is simply that they have more children
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Their ‘Holy War’ against us has, to a large extent,
been conducted underhand, silently and gradually.
It is, to use the terminology of the political (far-)
left, an Islamic ‘long march to power through the
institutions’, And, on top of that, their greatest
weapon is simply that they have more children
than we do.
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The Islamic population of Western Europe now
stands at around 18 million – this makes it our
continent’s second largest religion already.
Whether they, or a large number of them, are
'in the know’ (about Eurabia) or not, remains to
be seen. What is clear, however, is that the sup-
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The Islamic population of Western Europe now
stands at around 18 million – this makes it our
continent’s second largest religion already.
Whether they, or a large number of them, are
'in the know’ (about Eurabia) or not, remains to
be seen. What is clear, however, is that the sup-
porters of Eurabia want to manipulate this
(Muslim) mass of humanity and shape it into a
batter ram with which they can bring down
European civilisation and impose their
(evil) version of Islam.
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Needless to say, a ‘future’ of this kind is not wanted
by the indigenous peoples of Europe. The forces
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Needless to say, a ‘future’ of this kind is not wanted
by the indigenous peoples of Europe. The forces
behind Eurabia know this, but don’t care what we
think. In their (Muslim) minds, we will live like the
people in Saudi Arabia – we will submit
and do as we’re told, or else!
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The borders of France were flung wide open to
Muslim immigration some years ago. To illustrate
the kind of impact that this decision had on the
and do as we’re told, or else!
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The borders of France were flung wide open to
Muslim immigration some years ago. To illustrate
the kind of impact that this decision had on the
French nation, in 1970 there was only one mosque
in the whole of France – today there are
more than 1, 500.
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As you can see from the figures below, the total
number of Muslims in Great Britain is (fast) growing
- thought these figures don’t include Muslims among
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As you can see from the figures below, the total
number of Muslims in Great Britain is (fast) growing
- thought these figures don’t include Muslims among
the huge number of illegal immigrant here (in the UK):
In 2004 – 1,870,000. - In 2005 – 2,017.000
In 2006 – 2,142, 000 - In 2007 – 2,327,000
In 2008 – 2, 422,000.
In early 2009, the Office of National Statistics
In 2004 – 1,870,000. - In 2005 – 2,017.000
In 2006 – 2,142, 000 - In 2007 – 2,327,000
In 2008 – 2, 422,000.
In early 2009, the Office of National Statistics
revealed that the Muslim population of Britain is
“rising 10 times faster then the rest of society.
The increase is so great that, in four years alone,
their numbers (in the UK) rose by more
than 500,000 to 2.4 million.
(The 2010 projection for the Muslim population
is now 2,900,000 and still counting inside the UK).
The phenomenal growth is due to spiralling immigration/
ayslum levels, a higher birth rate amongst the Muslim
community, and an explosion in conversions to Islam.
David Coleman, Professor of Demography at Oxford
University, sees it like this:
“The implications are very substantial. Some of
the Muslim population, by no means all of them,
are the least socially and economically intregrated of
any in the United Kingdom. ... and the most associated
with political dissatisfaction.” Professor Coleman also
warns that Muslims will reap collective benefits from
their numerical increase: “In the growth of any
population ... ‘the growing community’s’ voice is
regarded as being stronger in terms of formulating
policy.” Within 50 years, these establishd trends
will accelerate. In terms of how population numbers
arrange themselves within differnet age bands, the
biggest numerical concentration of Britain’s Christian
community is in the over-70s (age) bracket, where as
than 500,000 to 2.4 million.
(The 2010 projection for the Muslim population
is now 2,900,000 and still counting inside the UK).
The phenomenal growth is due to spiralling immigration/
ayslum levels, a higher birth rate amongst the Muslim
community, and an explosion in conversions to Islam.
David Coleman, Professor of Demography at Oxford
University, sees it like this:
“The implications are very substantial. Some of
the Muslim population, by no means all of them,
are the least socially and economically intregrated of
any in the United Kingdom. ... and the most associated
with political dissatisfaction.” Professor Coleman also
warns that Muslims will reap collective benefits from
their numerical increase: “In the growth of any
population ... ‘the growing community’s’ voice is
regarded as being stronger in terms of formulating
policy.” Within 50 years, these establishd trends
will accelerate. In terms of how population numbers
arrange themselves within differnet age bands, the
biggest numerical concentration of Britain’s Christian
community is in the over-70s (age) bracket, where as
the largest age range for Muslims is in the under-
fours. (As Christians die off, Muslims then
take their place).
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Britain and France are not alone in facing the
Islamic demographic tsunami. Unchecked , (and
fours. (As Christians die off, Muslims then
take their place).
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Britain and France are not alone in facing the
Islamic demographic tsunami. Unchecked , (and
openly encouraged by pro-leftist governments),
it will swamp the whole of Europe.
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(In 2006), Libyan leader Muammar-al-Gaddafi
declared in a speech on Arab satellite network
Al-Jazeera: “We have 50 million Muslims in
Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant
Islam victory in Europe – without swords,
without guns, without conquest. The 50 million
Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim
continent within a few decades. Europe is in a
predictment, and so is America. They should
agree to become Islamic in the course of time,
or else declare war on the Muslims.”
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When you (factor in the) demographically
vibrant Muslims (who) are vocal, united,
focussed, concentrated – i.e. ghettoised –
(along with being) unassimilated and organised –
in compasion to the disorientated, disheartened,
divided native populations – it becomes obvious
who is going to set the agenda. You don’t have
to be a minority in order to lose control of
your own country.
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(So the most urgent question for Europe is ):
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(In 2006), Libyan leader Muammar-al-Gaddafi
declared in a speech on Arab satellite network
Al-Jazeera: “We have 50 million Muslims in
Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant
Islam victory in Europe – without swords,
without guns, without conquest. The 50 million
Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim
continent within a few decades. Europe is in a
predictment, and so is America. They should
agree to become Islamic in the course of time,
or else declare war on the Muslims.”
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When you (factor in the) demographically
vibrant Muslims (who) are vocal, united,
focussed, concentrated – i.e. ghettoised –
(along with being) unassimilated and organised –
in compasion to the disorientated, disheartened,
divided native populations – it becomes obvious
who is going to set the agenda. You don’t have
to be a minority in order to lose control of
your own country.
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(So the most urgent question for Europe is ):
How quickly is Europe being Islamised? So
quickly that the histroian Bernard Lewis told the
German newspaper Die Welt that “Europe will be
Islamic by the end of the (21st) century. Europe is
German newspaper Die Welt that “Europe will be
Islamic by the end of the (21st) century. Europe is
rapidly evolving into a post-Christian civilisation –
and therefore (it is) increasingly vunerable to the
“Eurabian Agenda”.
(And becoming as a European people more and more,
at the mercy of everything to do with the ugly face
(And becoming as a European people more and more,
at the mercy of everything to do with the ugly face
and vile rise of EURABIA: Europe's Islamic Time
Bomb. Scary, but true! Ed. JL.)
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