March 25, 2010

Ottawa Loudmouths Shutout Ann Coulter.

Minority & Leftist Student Protest Helps
Cancel Ann Coulter's Ottawa Speech.
So typical of such pro-Islamic and leftist Canadian students
at the University of Ottawa who always demand freedom
of speech, but deny it to others like American Ann Coulter
when shove comes to push or push comes to shove. They
rationalize their student opposition to her by claiming
she speaks with hate speech.
Well, how about the Ottawa loudmouths
themselves who express their own brand of
hatred by stopping free speech they don't like? And,
who also then threaten violence against those who
don't buy into their leftist idealogy and radical socialist
drivel!! Ann Coulter should be free to speak no matter
what. It doesn't matter whether we agree or disagree
with her provocative views and opinions, it matters
only that ALL views are heard on campuses and
in a free society that Canada prides and
models itself on ...
The Ottawa loudmouths bring instead disgrace not
only upon themselves, but also on the democratic
institutions that enable them to attend university
and to freely settle in the country of their adoption.
Some of the Ottawa Loudmouths Against Ann Coulter.

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