March 1, 2010

British Labour Party Now Inflitrated By Islamic Radicals.

Let's begin with the first post on MUSLIMWORLDWATCH
with Andrew Gilligan and his alarming news report of Islamic
radicals having already 'infiltrated' the British Labour
Party or what is now known today as "New Labour."
A recent poll in the UK, stated that 57% of Muslims
there think New Labour is more favourable to them
than any other political party in the country. Under Tony
Blair's socialist government, he became both a friend and
an archenemy of Islam. First, he allowed 1.2 million
Muslims to settle in Britain declaring the 'quaintness of
Islam' for letting them in. His delusion has been deadly
with 7/7 and 21/7 having been enacted at the slaughter
of London's innocent by such British Islamic jihadists.
Earlier, hideous Blair with his vile buddy,
George W. Bush of America, agreed to include British
troops to illegally invade Iraq in 2003. For extreme
Muslims, Blair with Bush became their instant enemy
for attacking and killing fellow Muslims in Saddam's
Iraq ... But now, according to Gilligan's report, at
least one London council has been inflitrated by
"The Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) — which believes
in jihad and sharia law, and wants to turn Britain and
Europe into an Islamic state — has placed sympathisers
in elected office and claims, correctly, to be able to
achieve 'mass mobilisation' of voters." Incidentally,
there is no such thing as a "British Muslim," despite
whatever Blair says, for it is a contrived situation at
where we find the reality is that of Muslims born either
in some Islamic country before Blair and his treacherous
New Labour Party willingly and deliberately let them in
and where their new offspring are now generationally-
born inside the UK. They are first Muslim, no matter
what or even if they're called "British."
They still are not!!

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